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100 balboas - peace and progress

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100 balboas - peace and progress (Moneta)
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Legend: . REPUBLICA DE PANAMA • • 100 BALBOAS • Legend: PAZ Y PROGRESO • • 1978 • •
stemma della repubblica tre rose
Moneta celebrativa di Pace e Progresso.
Edge: rigato
Nominal: 100 Balboas
Material: Au 900
Diameter: 26 mm
Weight: 8.16 g
Years Cod Mint Rarity Mintage Images
1978 S-SPAN/2-1FranklinR450 
1978 lucida S-SPAN/2-2FranklinR3300 
1978 proof S-SPAN/2-3 FranklinR26 086
Total:6 436 

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